TAPA Fürstenberg

TAPA Fürstenberg

Buffet Programme 10 parts, 2005

Tapa is a program for antipasti made for international cuisine: The idea lies in the different contours of the inner and outer shape: The bowls are symmetrical on the outside and asymmetrical on the inside. Furthermore the gradient of the inner form has a function: Food can be brought up to the edge, while excess oil or other liquids remains at the bottom. Because Tapa was designed to present food on a buffet, it is modular: a narrow and a wide bowl always match each another and make up the next size. The spoon follows the same basic idea and complements the set as the smallest item.

Tapa Schalen und Platten
Tapa Antipastiteller
Tapa Platte mit Tomatensalsa
Tapa Speiseteller mit Platten
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